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I’m Gonna Beat the Bridge AND Oprah, Too!

October 25, 2010

The Marine Corps. Marathon is just over five days away, and I’m trying not to psyche myself out.

I’m looking forward to the pageantry of the weekend: the health and fitness expo at the Convention Center, the prayer service, the military jet flyovers, the special effects, the Greek flame, the throng of 30,000-plus athletes at the starting line (from my place near the back of the pack it could take 45 minutes just to officially start the race). There will be celebrities, many of them star athletes but there is a chance I could see folks like Oprah, who finished the “People’s Marathon” several years ago in just over four-and-a-half hours. Lots of  runners want to “Beat Oprah.” The People’s Marathon, by the way, is the nickname for this race because of its reputation as a starter marathon for first-timers.

If I’m worried about anything, it’s a bridge. The 14th Street Bridge, to be precise. “Runners must maintain the 14 minute (sic) per mile pace to reach the 14th Street Bridge and successfully ‘Beat the Bridge’ just after mile marker 20. The 14th Street Bridge will reopen to vehicular traffic making it unavailable to runners after 1:15 p.m. Any runners unable to ‘Beat the Bridge’ will be required to board the straggler buses and be driven to the event finish line.”

I have to “Beat the Bridge.” It’s a mantra I keep hearing in my head.

The thing is, I know I can finish the race. I’ve done my training. I’ve spent more time walking outside or in the gym these last three months than I have in a long, long time. I’ve prepared. I’ve timed myself. My longest training walk was 20 miles, and I finished it in four hours and 40 minutes. So, 5:15 to “Beat the Bridge” SHOULD be a cake walk (mmm….cake!).

Ultimately, I’m worrying over nothing, and I’m going to have to stay off the marathon’s Facebook page. Yesterday, page administrators asked athletes to post the time in which they hoped to finish. A number of the posts were from athlete’s who said they wanted to “Beat the Bridge.” So, maybe, subconsciously, I’m worried because all those people are concerned about getting across some little bridge.

I need a new mantra for the rest of this week! Here it is: I’m gonna beat that bridge, and I’m gonna beat Oprah, too!

From → Fitness, Weight Loss

One Comment
  1. Megan permalink

    Yes, my friend, you WILL beat the bridge. I have zero doubt on this.

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